Economic importance of sericulture pdf

Sericulture in india has a remote past dating back to several centuries prior to the commencement of the christian era. These include chemical manufacturing such as ethanol, acetone, organic acid, enzymes, and perfumes. The importance of silkworm in silk production was known in china during 3500 b. India continues to be the second largest producer of silk in the world. It is characterised by exquisite qualities like the natural sheen, inherent affinity. Sericulture is one of the important potential agro based rural industry in the world. It enables the people involved in it to derive benefits from all the schemes from all the sericulture activities till reeling. Bacteria living in the gut of cattle, horses and other herbivores, for example ruminococcus spp. Sericulture also creates gainful employment for women and aged persons at homes at minimum risk. Economic importance of earthworm biology discussion. Consequently, the beekeeping industry is quite small. It involves tough work but it contributes to food security and health of the nation. A lot of people know very little about the impact of bees on the natural and human environment.

What is the economic importance of sericulture in india. The ageold agrobased sericulture activities have been playing an important role in the generation of employment and income in a slowly progressing economy of assam. It has been held that mulberry culture came from china to india around 140 b. We would be unable to enjoy most of our favorite fruits, vegetables, or. Before the industrial revolution, agriculture was the primary source of economy. The seasonal differences in the environmental components considerably affect the genotypic expression in the form of phenotypic output of silkworm crop such as cocoon weight, shell weight, and cocoon shell ratio. Role of women in sericulture and community development. Economic importance of apiculture is intended to provide practical information on various aspects of apiculture in precise and digestible form.

This is an important labour intensive activity and agro based industry. Without the activities of insects, human life on earth would eventually be extinguished. Economic importance of mulberry sericulture based farming system agriculture in india is the single largest employer of rural labour. The earthworms are better known as the friend of farmers due to the following reasons. Since ages, silk and silk fabrics have attracted mankind and have found their place among the most valued and elegant human fabrics.

Sericulture has been included in agriculture, under rkvy. Project economic analysis plays an important role in ensuring that the mandate of the charter is met. To ensure consistency in the approach to project economic analysis and to assist adb staff and consultants with methodology, adb issues guidelines for the conduct of project economic analysis. Biotechnology involves the use of microorganisms including bacteria and fungi in the manufacturing and services industries. An alternative source of income to enhance the livelihoods of smallscale farmers and tribal communities b. Sericulture, the production of raw silk by means of raising caterpillars larvae, particularly those of the domesticated silkworm bombyx mori. Sericulture, the rearing of silkworms for silk production, is a laborintensive agrobased industry which provides additional income to marginal farmers in india, especially women.

Economic importance of earthworm and vermiculture legit. Though all the four major varieties of silk, namely, eri, muga, mulberry and tasar are grown in assam, the first two occupy the prime positions in the sericulture scenario of the state. Sericulture an ideal enterprise for sustainable income in erode district of tamil nadu334 production were collected and randomly selected from the sample farmers through personal interview method by using pretest interview schedule for pilot study. As a result, the national income level, as well as peoples standard of living, is improved. Out of the 6,38,588 villages in india, sericulture is practiced in. The earthworms improve the fertility of soil in different ways and, therefore, they are of utmost importance in agriculture. Sericulture provides gainful employment, economic development and improvement in the quality of life to the people in rural area and therefore it plays an important role in anti poverty programme and prevents migration of rural people to urban area in search of employment. Also, escherichia coli, part of the intestinal microbiota of humans and other animals, converts consumed.

Bombyx mori is popularly called the chinese silkworm or mulberry silkworm moth. This paper analyzed that socio economic development through sericulture sector in the world and in india. Out of the 6,38,588 villages in india, sericulture is practiced in about 52,360 villages providing employment to. Pdf sericulture practices and future strategies under. Insect pests of some crops of economic importance 7. Now, as a result of growing realization, sericulture is gaining ground in nontraditional areas too. The silkworm caterpillar builds its cocoon by producing and surrounding itself with a long. This strategic document is prepared with the vision of creating the road map of the fishery research in the coming fifteen years. For example, escherichia coli is used for commercial preparation of riboflavin and. To bring up the quality standards of silkworm production, the government created the csb amendment act and amended the rules and regulations. Presently, the horticulture sector contributes around 31 % of the gdp and. In spite of many commercial options coming up, many rely on agriculture for their income.

It includes culturing animals for mass production for human use andto control or eradicate animals that. Thus, the analysis clearly establishes the importance of sericulture over other crops in the generation of fresh employment opportunities in rural areas. Silk, a naturally produced animal fibre of unparalleled grandeur is rightly called as the queen of textiles. Sericulture provides gainful employment, economic development and improvement in the quality of life to the people in rural area and therefore it plays an important role in anti poverty programme and prevents migration of rural people to urban area in search of. Why is agriculture important and its role in everyday life. Since agriculture employs many people, it contributes to economic development. In the recently presented union budget, customs duty for import of raw silk. Malawi, mozambique and zambia synthesis report by firmino g. The variations in the environmental conditions day to day and season to season emphasize the need of management of temperature and relative humidity for sustainable cocoon production. Importance of sericulture in india and karnataka karnataka. Importance of sericulture in india and karnataka historical perspectives of sericulture in india during preindependence period sericulture in india has a remote past dating back to several centuries prior to the commencement of the christian era. This is how herbivores are able get the energy they need from grass and other plants. May 01, 2019 sericulture, the production of raw silk by means of raising caterpillars larvae, particularly those of the domesticated silkworm bombyx mori.

The silkworm caterpillar builds its cocoon by producing and surrounding itself with long, continuous fibre, or filament. Male silkworm moth is used in the preparation of wine. Mucavele 1 1 phd agricultural economics and natural resources, professor, director for academic reform and regional integration, universidade eduardo mondlane, and fanrpan steering committee member, mozambique node. Earthworms are species of worms that live in the soil. The economic importance of insects in searchworks catalog.

Physics at the heart of the industrial strategy physics is vital to the economy of the united kingdom. The development of sericulture industry in india is a case in point. True contribution of agriculture to economic growth and. Sericulture being an agrobased enterprise plays a predominant role in shaping the economic destiny of the rural people and fits very well in indias rural structure, where agriculture continues to be the main industry. Exports from physicsbased business amounted to more than. At the root of the social, economic, cultural and political progress of india, there are 6. India is the worlds second largest producer of raw silk 18,500 mtyr 7. The art of silk production is called sericulture that comprises cultivation of mulberry, silkworm rearing and post cocoon activities leading to production of silk yarn. The fallowing positive importance can easily be noted. The production of silk generally involves two processes.

Sericulture is an important labourintensive and agrobased cottage industry. Cut flowers represent the largest segment of the industry followed by flowering pot plants, tree and nursery crops, flower bulbs, and other propagation material. Sericulture practices and future strategies under present scenario of indian subtropics. The following points highlight the top eight advantages of sericulture. These five states collectively account for 97% of the total area under mulberry cultivation and 95% of raw silk production in the country. Various key issues have been discussed to make it very useful to beekeepers, farmers, students, scientists, planners and policy makers. This strategic document is prepared with the vision of creating the road map of. Management of climatic factors for successful silkworm.

It has increased employment for people and emerged as an cottage industry. Sericulture an ideal enterprise for sustainable income in erode district of tamil nadu333 studies on costs and returns of cocoon production lakshmanan, etal. The recent economic downturn affected physicsbased sectors as much as the broader economy, but the signs are there that physics can lead the recovery. Care of the silkworm from the egg stage through completion of the cocoon. Agriculture is an important source of livelihood in most parts of the world. Sericulture helps to improve the manufacturing sector. Therefore basic information on socio economic importance of fishery sector along the value chain is considered as the major research theme to facilitate proper extension in the future. The economic importance of ornamentals has been increasing in many countries, and international demand has rapidly expanded.

India has the unique distinction of being the only country producing all the five kinds of silk mulberry, eri, muga, tropical tasar and temperate tasar. Bombyx mori is the most widely used species of silkworm and intensively studied. What is the economic importance of sericulture in india answers. With the advent of many technologies in agriculture be it by variety, soil and nutrient. Mucavele 1 1 phd agricultural economics and natural resources, professor, director for academic reform and regional. A cocoon is an oval to footballshaped object made by a mature silkworm larva by spinning silk proteins. Sericulture is one of the most labour intensive sectors, combining activities of both agriculture sericulture and industry. In this post about the economic importance of earthworm, you will find exactly what makes them so great. Sericulture is an industry that is characterized by a twostep process, the cultivation of mulberry trees and the rearing of silkworms on mulberry leaves to produce cocoons. Farmers having two year old established mulberry garden were considered for the study. Algae play a small but important role in the direct economy of many countries. The fast rate of development in the agriculture sector offers progressive outlook as well as increased motivation for development. The real progress of our country is definitely on the development of these villages. Third, a new chapter on benefit valuation by sector has been added, which details the method for valuing project benefits in major sectors of adb operations.

Sericulture is the rearing of silkworms for the surpose of producing silks. We would be unable to enjoy most of our favorite fruits, vegetables, or nuts without these pollinators. It is estimated that in north america around 30% of the food humans consume is produced from bee pollinated plant life. More than 60 percent of people engaged in own activities in sericulture.

Furthermore, as a predominant sector of rural development, stability is the vital need of sericulture enterprise. Pdf socio economic development through sericulture in. Production of mulberry trees that provide leaves upon which the worms feed. Actually, the burrowing and soil feeding habits of earthworms make the. Pdf economical and environmental importance of mulberry. Importance of sericulture in india bihar psc exam notes. To benefit sericulture farmers amrita vishwa vidyapeetham.

Ideal programme for the weaker section of the society 6. Sericulture, or silk farming, is the rearing of silkworms for the production of raw silk. Economic importance of algae biology for everybody. The importance of horticulture in improving the productivity of land, generating employment, improving economic conditions of the farmers and entrepreneurs, enhancing exports and, above all, providing nutritional security to the people, is now widely acknowledged. Bacteria are important in the production of many dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals. Stages of production of silk the silk moth lays eggs. Agriculture remains the main source of income and livelihood for the rural population in india. The eggs hatch, and the larvae feed on mulberry leaves. Sericulture and silk production the ancient technique of rearing silkworms for production of silk yarn and weaving it into expensive cloth is widely practiced today. Economic zoology economic zoology economic zoology deals with the application of zoological knowledge for the benefit of mankind. It includes culturing animals for mass production for human use andto control or eradicate animals that are injurious to man directly or indirectly.

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